Thursday, June 25, 2009
Second Life
Here is the link of the pre-recorded Train for success SL:
Anders Gronstedt Here are my notes and summary as I listened to the audio discussion from 6/17
The Think Bomb Island - what is the business value of 2L(ROI), the work related use is presently in pilot, emersive technology. Measure valued is mixed, few/some businesses have recoup their investments in 9 months(rapid return on investment). Variety of work related cases are: meetings and conferences, (ie., 80% on learning and training, 46% meetings, 10% rehearsal, business practices, security and fire drills, internal and external meetings. Raw data uses business budgets, to compare strong business. Survey raw data can be displayed, HR, and business operations. People are applying smaller uses, larger uses will jump in as soon as vendors and developers will provide solutions. What are the alternatives? There is a feeling of confusion --- LOL -- I know the feeling. Use of multiple technologies, wikis, which increases engagment - being together face to face, connected together virtually...we all can see who falls asleep, who moves ahead, who is curious!!! Save an excel as note card and bring tools into SL ---- VIP. What is the cost of implementing? It decreases cost, no travel! <$25K to <$10K Small amount for large corporation. Minimal person hours to rollout -- 1 week (4 people a week). Wow, thats short. I have been in projects that take months and years.
Audio was good for me, b/c I had to concentrate and visualize the SL emerging movement in business. In closing, SL emersive tech appears to be gaining in increasing usage and believe that value is added and will increase their investments in the emersive technologies.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Embedding media
The embeded html is not straight forward and I was making it harder than what it was. The embedded html does not have the names i would expect to have in it ---
I found it my researching how to embed flickr slide showa and I found the flicker slider in which your flickr url is captured and tags and one other field and the code is generated. Follow this on CMSimple By the way, the pictures are in normal sequence. I wish to fix them when I have more time.
It is easy if the correct code is found first, otherwise it can be searching for a needle in a haystack
adios and goodnight
Embedded Flickr Photostream
Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
Embedded YouTube VIdeo
Video Pictures and Audio
My daughters, Lauren and Haylee and Laurens boyfriend Charlie.
This process was very easy, my problem was selecting the right photos for grouping. I can continue my downloads and organize them by event and years. I have many photos that could be organized and my relatives and immediate family can easily follow my past and present life and interests.
My first audio quest was in Soundtrack, but it was very busy and crammed with functionality I'm not ready for, so I switched to Audio Share, because other classmates had used it and liked the presentation of it. Audio Share is very user friendly.
Lastly, video --- I've never been a fan of self-video projects, It's my generation and up-bringing, we rarely took pictures, so when I started, my hardest task was doing the video. Loading and submitting it to YouTube was a cinch! Navigation is easy and I can see why it has become so popular, it really is effortless to load and share video.
Embedding media
I have had good luck embedding my Youtube video. The embedded code from youtube is slick, and the bomb. I have been wrestling with the audio. My original audio files are too large and so I recorded some shorter childrens books, but I have still working the code. I even went back to my soundboard account, but am having trouble with it. I could not find embedded code source in Audio share.... I am still looking....
stay tuned
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Wikimedia experience
There is much more to the wiki_world than I realized. I first read some of my classmates comments. I wanted to know what they reviewed in hopes not to repeat their content. I found all the wiki medias interesting, however, I was drawn to the WIKINEWS, and WIKISOURCE and WIKIBOOKS. I liked WIKINEWS, it has a rolling - scroll on top, I can stay logged on and informed just by reading the top headliners and if I want more detail, I click on the article, because the artical. .because it displayed so many articles on one screen. I could pick what I wanted to read about. I am annoyed at local TV news anchors and network news anchors. I can read much faster than what they read aloud, and there are only a few news delivery I really like. Others are boring and seem to repeat comments day afer day, I do not like when they add humor, b/c most often they are not funny. Sooooo --- I prefer to read my news, and WIKInews is perfect. I can select what I want to read. I can also select the category in Wikinews.
I liked WIKIsource because it contains a full genre of books, and I can access them from anywhere--- I am on a business trip or find myself needing something to do, I can always go on Wikisource or Wikibooks to select and read a good book. I found the autobiographies of Henry Ford and Memoirs of Benjamin Franklin in the WikiSource, and found a plethora of open-source books in WikiBooks. Here I can again select a book of interest, whether it is a book on oncology, history, science, or how to assemble a computer. I like the outline format, this design will help me remember where I ended reading.
I like them all and I know I will be reading them long after this class ends!
My Wikipedia Experience
Audio Recording
here is my Audio recordings. They are created in Audio Share. I found Audio Share, very easy. I started with SoundTrack, but found it to be confusing and user unfriendly. Through trial and erro I was able to determine what was needed.
Luckily I had created Audacity sound recordings in a previous class, and had them saved. Audacity can easily export the AUD file to the MP3 format. Usually, I do not have luck converting project files.
I like the Organization features in AUDIO SHARE. I can easily organize them by genre and album. I have several family recordings that I can preserve on the web.
Wikiversity Edit
I found editing wikiversity easier than the other wiki updates, practice attributes to the ease. I thought adding objectives to the course is appropriate, as many viewers of the information would read the information and identify that WEB 2.0 is evolving and emerging. I also feel a bit reluctant to post here, I am not an expert, just a novice. I appreciate that we can in this course.
This is my 3rd blog post today, I do know I need total concentration on the subject to post and edify the material. I am thankful for saturdays.
Changed my template
I did not like all the shades of pink --- too overpowering, this template is easy on the eyes.
Wikitionary Editing
However the process is aggravating. Next time I have to edit or need to edit, I will ensure I do my homework on the subject.
my wikitionary link
and my edited words application, avatar, and community
CMS SIMPLE Reflection
It's been a few weeks since I completed my CMSimple account. I was able to complete it by reviewing the fine work of my classmates. I started out really rough. My account was created however, I had a difficult time understanding the format. Hence, I got through it by putting it aside, re-reading cmssimple and slowly digesting the procedures, I think its a great tool to preserve teaching resources or any thing work or personally related to the author. I like that HTML code is accepted.
I created several assignment items in Dreamweaver and copied the code into CMSimple, to make it work.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Partridge Family returns
On a lighter note, I was mowing the lawn today, and I noticed the Partridge family has returned to their spot under the cedar tree and daisies.
I must remember to buy more bird seed. They like it!
I think they are protecting their nest. This is a good time to look up the nesting habits of partridges.
Catch a look!
Wikipedia Editing
I noticed there were alot of internal links, I like the external as the support the information. External links must be watched carefully, however, as they may be broken without notice.
edit history
edit text look for the Politics and Religion section
I liked my Wikipedia editting adventure!
Mo Michael - YouTube Anthropology
YouTube is the fantastic. I compare it popularity to Amerca's funniest videos. People are interested in people and love to laugh. Laughter and accomplishment are within the human soul.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
My thoughts about 2nd Life
This is an assignment to describe my course experience on 2nd life and reflect if 2nd life meets ths definition of a Web 2.0 tool.
Let's see: our class definition is:
Web 2.0 is the second generation of web development and web design that consists of a dynamic and interactive World Wide Web that is more of a democratic, personal, do-it-yourself medium instead of a product only web designers can create. Web 2.0 encourages collaborative use and community development through communication, information sharing, interactivity, and social networking via applications such as blogs, RSS feeds, tags, video sharing, social networking, social bookmarking, wikis, etc. that are designed to be easily accessed and shared by users across multiple platforms.
Discover new Web 2.0 tools and applications -- Second Life - 2L
This was my third experience with 2L, admittedly I did not continue the learning and discovery of 2L from my previous class. Now however, I have learned and feel more comfortable with the functionalities now, that I have seen the excellent YouTube tutorials. 2L is definitely a socially interactive, communication tool that could be used for information sharing or entertainment.
How to apply these tools to our daily lives and jobs, and also to contribute some of the knowledge gained using Web 2.0 tools in professional/personal lives.
If I had a classroom of high school students, I could create a classroom space had assignments and clues for particular projects. If I had a non-profit senior citizen center, I could display the 2l program on the projecter and I could teach the seniors how to fly and play other potentional activities. Once a user is comfortable with the rules of engagement and movement, it is fun! My 13 year old daughter had more fun with it than I did. (she was learning the how to change appearances). I will continue to share the adventure with my family.
Remaining Objectives: Hear how others are using Web 2.0 tools, and weigh pro's/con's. Become familiar with leading tools in this space. Become familiar with some not so leading tools in specific categories. The ability to talk intelligently about Web 2.0 and it's applications in fields relevant to us. Have discipline in approaching the complexities of multiple tasks, time lines, tools, logins, URLs, in an unstructured framework.I can use my knowledge and explore the current uses and habirs of the dominant players of the specific categories of WEB 2.0 tools. Courses like WEB 2.0 will continue to search and explore the current and emerging tools and trends as well. While discipline in time management is very important, I think tutorials and preplanning can resolve the overwhelming feeling of deadlines and functionalities. I will add another challenge is for educate users on how to navigate 2L to trusted venues, and to expect unexpected when visiting the sites. Also, it helps to explore with friends to ensure a save an trusted experience and adventure.
Monday, June 15, 2009
the partridge daddy
First entry and the Partridge Family
I just discovered we have a partridge family living in the front yard. They are so calm and peaceful and are not scared. I first spotted them this morning under the maple and fig trees, now in the evening they are next to the carport under daisies and impatiens. Joe found some birdseed and spread it out for them and they seemed to enjoy.
I am also continuing my WEB 2.0 projects. I am a bit late, as building a blog outside of Moodle was assigned June 1 and it is June 15. Oh well, I have had a challenging school year and I will probably be taking time off next school year to recuperate.
Since I need to set up flcker and re-establish facebook, I'll keep it short.
bye now